Lecture 14: Approximate Inference: Markov Chain Monte Carlo

An introduction of Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods.

Recap of Monte Carlo

Monte Carlo methods are algorithms that:

Why is Monte Carlo useful?

Limitations of Monte Carlo

Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)

MCMC algorithms feature adaptive proposals.

Comparison between using a fixed (bad) proposal and an adaptive proposal.

To understand how MCMC works, we need to look at Markov Chains first.

Markov Chains

P(x(n)=x x(1),...,x(n1))=P(x(n)=x x(n1))P(x^{(n)}=x\ |x^{(1)}, ..., x^{(n-1)})=P(x^{(n)}=x\ |x^{(n-1)})

Markov Chains Concepts

Define a few important concepts of Markov Chains(MC)

Metropolis-Hastings (MH) – An MCMC method

How the MH algorithm works in practice

  1. Draws a sample x^\prime from Q(x^\prime\mid x), where x is the previous sample.
  2. The new sample x^\prime is accepted with some probability A(x^\prime \mid x)=min(1, \frac{P(x^\prime)Q(x\mid x^\prime)}{P(x)Q(x^\prime\mid x)})
    • A(x^\prime\mid x) is like a ratio of importance sampling weights
    • P(x^\prime)/Q(x^\prime\mid x) is the importance weight for x^\prime, P(x)/Q(x\mid x^\prime) is the importance weight for x.
    • We devide the importance wieght for x^\prime by that of x.
    • Notice that we only need to compute P(x^\prime)/P(x) rather than P(x^\prime) or P(x) separately, so we don’t need to know the normalizer.
    • A(x^\prime\mid x) ensures that, after sufficiently many draws, our samples will come from the true distribution P(x).
The Metropolis-Hastings Algorithm

Why does Metropolis-Hastings work?

Since we draw a sample x^\prime according to Q(x^\prime\mid x), and then accept/reject according to A(x^\prime\mid x), the transition kernel is: T(xx)=Q(xx)A(xx)T(x'\mid x)=Q(x'\mid x)A(x'\mid x)

We can prove that MH satisfies detailed balance (or reversibility):

Recall that A(x^\prime\mid x)=min(1, \frac{P(x^\prime)Q(x\mid x^\prime)}{P(x)Q(x^\prime\mid x)}), which implies the following:

If A(xx)<1 then P(x)Q(xx)P(x)Q(xx)>1 and thus A(xx)=1\displaystyle % <![CDATA[ \text{If } A(x^\prime\mid x)<1 \text{ then } \frac{P(x^\prime)Q(x\mid x^\prime)}{P(x)Q(x^\prime\mid x)}>1 \text{ and thus } A(x\mid x^\prime)=1 %]]>

Now suppose A(x^\prime \mid x)<1 and A(x \mid x^\prime)=1. We have:

\begin{aligned} A(x'\ |x) & = \frac{P(x')Q(x\ |x')}{P(x)Q(x'\ |x)} \\ P(x)Q(x'\ |x)A(x'\ |x) & = P(x')Q(x\ |x') \\ P(x)Q(x'\ |x)A(x'\ |x) & =P(x')Q(x\ |x')A(x\ |x') \\ \pi(x')T(x\ |x')& =\pi(x)T(x'\ |x) \end{aligned}

The last line is exactly the detailed balance condition. In other words, the MH algorithm leads to a stationary distribution P(x). Recall we defined P(x) to be the true distribution of x. Thus, the MH algorithm eventually converges to the true distribution!


Although MH eventually converges to the true distribution P(x), we have no guarantees as to when this will occur.

Gibbs Sampling


Gibbs Sampling is an Markov Chain Monte Carlo algorithm that samples each random variable of a graphical, one at a time. It is a special case of the Metropolis-Hasting algorithm, which performs a biased random walk to explore the distribution. It is assumed that P(\mathbb{x}) is too complex while P(x_i|x_{-i}) is tractable to work with.


Gibbs Sampling:

  1. Let x_1, \cdots, x_n be the variables of the graphical model for which we are estimating the distribution
  2. Initialize starting values for x_1,\cdots,x_n
  3. At time step t:
    1. Pick an arbitrary ordering of x_1,\cdots,x_n (this can be arbitrary or random)
    2. For each x_i in the order: Sample x_i^{(t)} \sim P(x_i|x_{-i}), where x_i is updated immediately by x_i^{(t)} (the new value will be used for the next sampling)
  4. Repeat until convergence

How do we compute the conditional probability P(x_i|x_{-i})? – Recall Markov Blankets:

P(xixi)=P(xiMB(xi))\displaystyle P(x_i|x_{-i}) = P(x_i|MB(x_i))
An illustration of markov blanket for BN and MRF.

For a Bayesian Network, the Markov Blanket of x is the set of parents, childen and co-parents.

For a Markov Random Field, the Markov Blanket of x is its immediate neighbors.

A 2D Example

The following figure illustrates Gibbs Sampling on two variables (x_1,x_2)=\mathbf{x}.

A complete single iteration of Gibbs sampling for two-dimensional variables

On each iteration, we start from the current state \mathbf{x}^{(t)} and x_1 is sampled from conditional density P(x_1|x_2), with x_2 fixed to x_2^{(t)}. Then x_2 is sampled from conditional density P(x_2|x_1), with x_1 fixed to x_1^{(t+1)}. This gives \mathbb{x}^{t+1} and completes the iteration.

Why does Gibbs Sampling work?

Q(xi,xixi,xi)=P(xixi)\displaystyle Q(x'_i,\mathbf{x}_{-i}|x_i,\mathbf{x}_{-i}) = P(x'_i|\mathbf{x}_{-i})
\begin{aligned} A(x'_i,\mathbf{x}_{-i}|x_i,\mathbf{x}_{-i}) & = \min(1, \frac{P(x'_i,\mathbf{x}_{-i})Q(x_i,\mathbf{x}_{-i}\|x'_i,\mathbf{x}_{-i})}{P(x_i,\mathbf{x}_{-i})Q(x'_i,\mathbf{x}_{-i}\|x_i,\mathbf{x}_{-i})}) \\ & = \min(1, \frac{P(x'_i,\mathbf{x}_{-i})P(x_i|\mathbf{x}_{-i})}{P(x_i,\mathbf{x}_{-i})P(x'_i|\mathbf{x}_{-i})}) \\ & = \min(1, \frac{P(x'_i\|\mathbf{x}_{-i})P(\mathbf{x}_{-i})P(x_i|\mathbf{x}_{-i})}{P(x_i\|\mathbf{x}_{-i})P(\mathbf{x}_{-i})P(x'_i|\mathbf{x}_{-i})}) \\ & = \min(1,1)\\ & = 1 \end{aligned}

Collapsed Gibbs Sampling

A collapsed Gibbs Sampler marginalizes over one of more variables when sampling from the conditional density. For example, for variables A, B and C, a simple Gibbs sampler will sample from P(A|B,C), P(B|A,C) and P(C|A,B), respectively. A collapsed Gibbs sampler might marginalize over variable B and sample only from P(A|C) and P(C|A) and not sample for B at all.

Topic Models

Collapsed Gibbs Sampling is a popular inference algorithm for topic models. Topic models are applied primarily to text corpora, which learns the structural relationships between the thematic categories. Typically, we use Latent Dirichlet Allocation to represent the model.

A plate diagram of the generative process of a topic model

The above plate diagram illustrates a topic model, where we have:

When performing the sampling, we first marginalize over the topic \mathbf{B} and the topic vectors \mathbf{\pi} and then sampling from P(z_i|\mathbf{z}_{-i},\mathbf{w}), which is a product of two Dirichlet-Multinomial conditional distributions:

P(zi=jzi,w)ni,jwi+βn()i,j+Wβn(di)i,j+αni,(di)+Tα\displaystyle P(z_i=j\|\mathbf{z}_{-i},\mathbf{w}) \propto \frac{n^{w_i}_{-i,j}+\beta}{n^{(\cdot)_{-i,j}}+W\beta} \frac{n^{(d_i)_{-i,j}}+\alpha}{n^{(d_i)}_{-i,\cdot}+T\alpha}


We then perform normal Gibbs Sampling on the above distribution to sample z_i.

Practical Aspects of MCMC

How do we know if our proposal is any good? – Monitor the acceptance rate:

Choosing the proposal Q(x’ | x) is a tradeoff. The ‘narrow’, low-variance proposals have high acceptance, but may take many iterations to explore P(x) fully because the proposed x are too close. The ‘wide’, high-variance proposals have the potential to explore much of P(x), but many proposals are rejected which slows down the sampler.

A good Q(x’ | x) proposes distant samples x’ with a sufficiently high acceptance rate.

Acceptance rate is the fraction of samples that MH accepts. A general guideline is proposals should have ~0.5 acceptance rate .

If both P(x) and Q(x’ | x) are Gaussian, the optimal acceptance rate is ~0.45 for D=1 dimension and approaches ~0.23 as D tends to infinity .

How do we know if our proposal is any good? – Autocorrelation function:

MCMC chains always show autocorrelation (AC), because we are using the previous example to define the transition of the next example. (Note: AC means that adjacent samples in time are highly correlated.) We quantify AC with the autocorrelation fucntion of an r.v.x:

Rx(k)=t=1nk(xtxˉ)(xt+kxˉ)t=1nk(xtxˉ)2\displaystyle R_x(k) = \frac{\sum_{t=1}^{n-k}(x_t-\bar{x})(x_{t+k}-\bar{x})}{\sum_{t=1}^{n-k}(x_t-\bar{x})^2}

The first-order AC R_x(1) can be used to estimate the Sample Size Inflation Factor (SSIF):

sx=1+Rx(1)1Rx(1)\displaystyle s_x = \frac{1+R_x(1)}{1-R_x(1)}

If we took n samples with SSIF s_x, then the effective sample size is n/s_x. High autocorrelation leads to smaller effective sample size. We wan proposals Q(x’ | x) with low auto correlation.

How do we know when to stop burn-in? – Plot the sample values vs time

We can monitor convergence by plotting samples (of r.v.s) from multiple MH runs (chains). (Note: In practice, when people do MCMC, they usually start with multiple MCMC chains rather than one MCMC). If the chains are well-mixed (left), they are probably converged. If the chains are poorly-mixed (right), we should continue burn-in.

How do we know when to stop burn-in? – Plot the log-likelihood vs time

Many graphical models are high-dimensional, so it is hard to visualize all r.v. chains at once. Instead, we can plot the complete log-likelihood vs. time. The complete log-likelihood is an r.v. that depends on all model r.v.s. Generall, the log-likelihood will climb, then eventually plateau.


The key point is that we are going to use an adaptive proposal. And we are going to have choices of further engineered adaptive proposal to be a conditional distribution of a single random variable given the rest. And by using the Markov Blanket concept, we can make that simple proposal eqsy to manpulate, and get a constant 1 acceptant rate. So that the samples can be better used. We need to take care of convegence rate, good mixing, etc.

In summary:

Optimization in MCMC: Introduction

One of the struggle people had in all vanilla MCMC methods is so called random walk behavior, which is caused by the proposed distribution. However, we want to propose prefered biased samples. How to impose the derivative (maybe likelihood function) into the proposal in a mathematically elegent fashion had became an important question

Hamiltonian Monte Carlo

Hamiltonian Dynamics comes form physics, is given by

H(p,x)=U(x)+K(p)\displaystyle H(p,x) = U(x) + K(p)

Where x is the position vector, p is the momentum vector. U(x) is the potential energy and K(p) stands for kinetic energy. There are many interesting connections betrween the terms and derivatives over Hamiltonian. One of the key of Hamiltonian is that

dxidt=Hpi\displaystyle \frac{d x_i}{dt} = \frac{\partial H}{\partial p_i}
dpidt=Hxi\displaystyle \frac{d p_i}{dt} = - \frac{\partial H}{\partial x_i}

When we want to sample a target distribution, we can leverage on gradient methods by introducing more variables to an auxiliary distribution.

PH(x,p)=eE(x)K(p)ZhP_H (x,p) = \frac{e^{-E(x)-K(p)}}{Z_h} Thus, using Hamiltonian, we are able to define the change of state v.s. the gradient of a loss function over the change.

How to update: Euler’s Method

There are multiple way to compute the \delta in the state as a function of teh gradient. The Euler’s Method directly estabilsh the change in p (momentum), and q (position) as a function of the loss.

pi(t+ϵ)=pi(t)+ϵdpidt(t)=pi(t)ϵUqi(q(t))\displaystyle p_i(t + \epsilon) = p_i(t) + \epsilon \frac{dp_i}{dt}(t) = p_i(t) - \epsilon \frac{\partial U}{\partial q_i}(q(t))
qi(t+ϵ)=qi(t)+ϵdqidt(t)=qi(t)+ϵpi(t)mi\displaystyle q_i(t + \epsilon) = q_i(t) + \epsilon \frac{dq_i}{dt}(t) = q_i(t) + \epsilon \frac{ p_i(t) }{m_i }

How to update: Leapfrog Method

Leapfrog Method is prefered, because it alternates between the p and q to calculate the updates in a very controlled fashion. So behaviors like over shooting and under shooting can be avoided. pi(t+ϵ/2)=pi(t)(ϵ/2)Uqi(q(t))p_i(t + \epsilon /2) = p_i(t) - (\epsilon /2) \frac{\partial U}{\partial q_i}(q(t))

qi(t+ϵ)=qi(t)+ϵpi(t+ϵ/2)mi\displaystyle q_i(t + \epsilon) = q_i(t) + \epsilon \frac{p_i(t + \epsilon /2)}{m_i}
pi(t+ϵ)=pi(t+ϵ/2)(ϵ/2)Uqi(q(t+ϵ))\displaystyle p_i(t + \epsilon) = p_i(t + \epsilon /2) - (\epsilon / 2) \frac{\partial U}{\partial q_i}(q(t + \epsilon))

MCMC from Hamiltonian Dynamics

Let q be variable of interest, p is introduced as an auxiliary random variable in order to define the Hamiltonian.

P(q,p)=1Zexp(U(q)/T)exp(K(p)/TY)\displaystyle P(q,p)=\frac{1}{Z} \exp (-U(q)/T) \exp(-K(p)/TY)

Where U(q) = -log [\pi (q) L(q|D)] and K(p) = \sum^d_{i=1} \frac{p^2_i}{2m_i}. Here it is a Bayesian setting where we have both the distribution of hidden states or the states of interest and also conditioned from priors. U(q) = -log [\pi (q) L(q|D)] connects to the likelihhod, the gradient of which is not directly involved in the proposal of next q. Then a accept/ reject critera is built based on the change of the Hamiltonian.

Langevin Dynamics

Langevin Dynamics is special case of Hamiltonian. Instead of doing Leapfrog, Langevin does a more sophiscated update based on second-order updates of the sampling states.

qi=qiϵ22Uqi(q)+ϵpi\displaystyle q^*_i = q_i - \frac{\epsilon^2}{2} \frac{\partial U}{ \partial q_i}(q) + \epsilon p_i

pi=piϵ2Uqi(q)ϵ2Uqi(q)p^*_i = p_i - \frac{\epsilon}{2} \frac{\partial U}{ \partial q_i}(q) - \frac{\epsilon}{2} \frac{\partial U}{ \partial q_i}(q^*) Even for a strange distribution with constrains on regions, this augmented optimization methods still deal with it.

Optimization in MCMC: Conclusion



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